Dante Signs on for Bat Out of Hell!
This morning some very good news came down for Drew McWeeny and Scott Swan, who up until now have been best know as the writers of John Carpenter’s two Masters of Horror entries; Joe Dante has signed on to direct their latest feature-length script, Bat Out of Hell!
The news appeared in this morning’s Variety, confirming something we’ve been hearing for a few weeks now (Carpenter was another name being batted around of course). Bat Out of Hell, which will likely have to change its title once Jim Steinman catches wind of it, is about a red-eye flight from LA to New York that is highjacked for very different reasons than we’re used to hearing about: the highjackers are doing it to put an end to some of the monstrous cargo on the plane.
They’re hoping to start shooting the project, which is being produced by Final Destination producer Warren Zide among others, later this year. Keep it here for more Bat Out of Hell news very soon!
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