NECA’s Facelift



For a while now NECA has been promising fans a brand new official site with a much sexier layout, and finally, like a drunk girl on prom night, they have delivered.

Head on over to the new and improved NECA Online to see what they’ve got to offer all you horror-collecting nuts. Don’t despair if it takes a bit longer than you’d like to load pages as they’re still working out the kinks that always go hand-in-hand with launching a new design.

Once everything is kink-free, we’re going to be in for one damn slick looking site for the new giants of media collectibles. Look for news on a Kratos figure from God of War, Grind House collectibles, and a new series of plush toys called Big Screen Bears that will feature the horrific visages of characters like Pinhead and The Bride in cuddly teddy bear form! What will they think of next?

Johnny Butane

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