The Hobgoblins 2 Trailer You’ve Been Waiting For!
Grand Theft Auto IV? Iron Man? That new trailer for The Dark Knight? Who cares about any of that crap today when the trailer for the film you’ve all be waiting for, craving for, begging for, has finally arrived. I am, of course, speaking of Hobgoblins 2!
For those that have never seen the original 1988 Hobgoblins, a film that’s probably more well known from its appearance as fodder for the “Mystery Science Theater 3000” guys, the hobgoblins were ancient critters that escaped from a film vault where they’d been locked away for a long time and proceeded to make up for lost time by raising as much hell as fuzzy murderous muppet monsters can. These fanged angora throw pillows from hell also possess hallucinatory powers that can make unsuspecting victims believe their wildest fantasies are coming true.
The trailer for this epic sequel was recently uploaded to YouTube, and it looks like… Well, it looks like pretty much what you’d expect from a trailer for Hobgoblins 2. Whether or not that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. But at least Rick Sloane knows he’s making an intentionally bad sequel; just read the description accompanying the YouTube listing:
“An all new sequel to one of the worst films of all time! Those pesky little creatures are back in Hobgoblins 2. Kevin just wanted to get through college, but the nasty old curse of the Hobgoblins returns. Kevin has to help old Mr. McCreedy break out of a mental hospital, in order to save his friends before the Hobgoblins can create their wildest fantasies, then kill them through their worst fears.
Starring Josh Mills, Sabrina Bolin, Jason Buuck, Jordana Berliner, Josh Green, Roland Esquivel and Chanel Ryan as Fantazia
Written, Produced and Directed by Rick Sloane”
The film is currently being shopped around so it might be a while before Hobgoblins 2 is unleashed upon the public, but it’s already on MySpace. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
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