Bouquet of Guts and Gore Ushers in American Guinea Pig Series

Horror films don’t get much more infamously controversial than the Japanese Guinea Pig series, comprised of seven movies that depict graphic scenes of brutality. So crude and realistic are the films that they rose to infamy when Charlie Sheen mistook one of them for an actual snuff film and turned it over to the FBI.
As a result the filmmakers had to prove, in court, that the special effects on display in the films are fake, which just goes to show how brutally realistic the makeup effects work is.
Nearly 20 years after the final film was released, the Guinea Pig series is getting somewhat of a reboot here in the States, and we’ve just gotten our hands on a grisly promotional trailer that’s sure to turn your stomach.
Running just over two minutes long, the trailer shows three men in masks dissecting and butchering two human bodies, separating limbs, pulling out guts, and removing skin. Like the Japanese films, the acts of violence are made to look incredibly real so be sure to not be eating anything while watching!
Titled American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore, the new film is being made by Unearthed Films, the same company who released the original franchise on home video. Head over to the Unearthed website to learn more, and check out the grisly trailer below.
Stephen Biro directs with effects by Marcus Koch. The film stars James VanBebber, Rogan Russell Marshall, Scott Gabbey, Eight The Chosen One, Caitlyn Dailey, and Ashley Lynn Caputo.