Fear the Razortooth

What harm could there be in three feet of water? That’s the question posed by the new slithering swamp monster flick Razortooth.
Something in the Florida Everglades is making a meal out of local animal life, including the alligators. The local animal control expert teams up with the lady sheriff to try and track down the culprit. Complicating matters is the local riffraff and a small group of college students whose teacher has taken them out on a trek into the swamp. Unbeknownst to any of them, the bayou has become infested with a new strain of eel that’s super quick, boasts a voracious appetite, and is impervious to conventional weaponry. You better believe that people are next on its smorgasbord.
While I admit that the trailer for Razortooth makes it look like something destined for the Sci-Fi Channel, I honestly think it looks more promising than the dreck Sci-Fi typically churns out. And I’m a sucker for a good swamp monster movie. A pity they changed the title though. Razortooth was originally entitled Sssslither – a much cooler title if you ask me. I suspect a certain theatrically released movie from earlier this year led to a title change.
Push Worldwide is screening the film at next month’s American Film Market and they must be really high on the film since a sequel is already being planned. We’ll probably have to wait until sometime next year to see Razortooth. In the meantime, check out the trailer over at Push Worldwide’s website!
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