Dimension in The Mist


Mist illustration from Stephen King: Uncollected, UnpublishedI don’t know how you react, but every single time I read about a new horror movie being worked on by Dimension, I want to run outside naked and scream to the heavens “WHY!?!!”

Perhaps that’s a bit overdramatic, but damnit I’ve been doing this a while so I’m allowed. The latest news that has caused such clothing-related conflict came via Variety this morning, with the official confirmation that Frank Darabont has joined The Dark Side and will make The Mist via the Weinstein Brothers horror-hating production arm.

All right, perhaps they don’t hate horror, since they’re scooping up more and more of it these days, but they sure don’t treat it very well. Hopefully with someone like Darabont they won’t be able to push him around an let him make the “down and dirty…character-driven gut-punch horror movie.” he says he wants to make.

Horror geek/action star Thomas Jane is in talks to play one of the leads, which would make the whole thing that much cooler if it actually came to fruition. Frank, as you know, has been wanting to make The Mist since he could hold a camera, so for it to finally be this close to happening again is the best news we’ve had in a while, slightly tainted by the involvment of the Weinsteins.

Let’s hope for the best!

Johnny Butane

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