A Grand Premiere


A long while back at our last home, we told you guys about an indie movie that sounded like it had a lot of promise called The Grand Horror. The story follows a group of college kids who become trapped in a movie theater when a zombie infestation breaks out. My college days were never that cool.

The zombies seem to fear the building and, instead of taking that for the bad side it quite obviously is, the kids hunker down and get ready to wait it out. But they soon learn that there are worse things than flesh eating cadavers…

The Grand Horror is now done and ready to be shown off to the public at large … or at leas the public in and around Grand Island, Nebraska. That’s where its debut will take place at The Grand Theater (appropriate enough for ya?) at midnight on Saturday, October 28th. If you’re in or near the area you might want to check it out, as I’m sure there’s not a helluva lot else to do in Nebraska. And it sounds like a badass little flick, to boot.

Check out more info on the film right here, and find out more about the theater in which it’s debuting here. Tell ‘em Dread Central sent ya!

Johnny Butane

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