House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return. Erm… Returns?

Ah… House of the Dead. How brilliant and trashy you were with your terrible English translations before Uwe Boll turned you into an awful film.
Well, two of SEGA’s classic zombie splattering lightgun shooters are being crammed onto one disc and heading to the Nintendo Wii this month. Oddly enough, the two games we’re getting are House of the Dead 2 and 3. Not sure why the first is conspicuous by its absence, but whatever. 2 and 3 are better games as it is.
The Wii zapper is going to be fully supported, so if you’ve finished The Umbrella Chronicles a few times over and are still looking for zombies to kill, ‘House of the Dead 2 and 3 Returns’ (what do zombies care about grammar?) is only going to be $29.99.
SEGA sent along a press release about the new “extreme” mode they’re adding into House of the Dead 3. Enemies are quicker and weapon spread is reduced to up the challenge, though you do get gifted with quicker reloading and a new melee attack to use to deflect enemy attacks and hit several enemies at once. You will be open to attack right afterwards though as you have to reload after it, so it’s not going to work in every situation.
The trailer is below for your occular pleasure or, if you’re already sold on the idea of owning these classic shooters, why not preorder the game from EVILSHOP!
Wonder what’s the deal with these shots in the Dread Central Forums!