Indie Trailers Galore!


Fall Down Dead director Jon Keeyes with Udo Kier. Click for the whole thing!It’s pretty cool when we get the word that a trailer for a new indie film has appeared online and we can share it with you, because nothing really sells a movie to it’s potential audience like a trailer. It’s even better when I’m away and mange to get word on three new indie trailers, cause that gives us more delicious meat to work with!

First up, the latest film from American Nightmare and Suburban Nightmare director Jon Keeyes, Fall Down Dead got it’s trailer digitized and thrown online. The beauties of Lost Not FoundThe film stars Udo Kier as a serial killer with an artistic streak, wreaking havoc on in a big city. The only issue I found with the trailer was the somewhat flat voiceover work, but all in all it looks slick and professional. Click here to see for yourself.

Next we have the Aussie survival horror film Lost Not Found, which only has a teaser online now, but it’s quit long. The film follows five girls on an Aussie outback vacation who come face-to-face with the true nastiness of the beautiful destination. Point your clicky thing here to see the teaser, and then visit their MySpace page for more updates.

The Wicked poster (click to see it full size!)Finally, we have a look at the new film from Hardcore Poisoned Eyes helmer Sal Ciavarello, The Wicked. It’s got something to do with demons, templar knights, and girls with tight shirts, so it can’t be all bad. The trailer is here and the MySpace page is here if you want to learn more!

Johnny Butane

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