Pakistan Wakes the Dead

Dwarf zombies! ‘Tis a little sub-sub-genre of horror that I feel is way overlooked. Imagine the terror you would feel if you were to be pursued by thousands of zombies who could go right for your knees with their gnashing teeth, effectively preventing you from being anything more than their dinner. Scary stuff.
The new Pakistani zombie movie Zibahkhana: Hell’s Ground only has one or two dwarf zombies, but what in lacks for in knee biting undead it makes up for in originality, at least for a Pakistani horror film.
Shot in 30 days over the summer, Hell’s Ground is the first collaboration between the UK video label Mondo Macabro and the Pakistani production house Bubonic Films. The story is about a group of teens heading to a rock concert who are forced to take a detour, where they run into a crazed clan of psychopaths who kill without remorse.
“We don’t have songs or comedy sequences, none of the prerequisites of the South Asian film,” director and Pakistani ice cream mogul Omar Khan told Variety. “It’s a complete ripping up of what’s expected from local productions.” The list of talents behind it are impressive given the subject matter, and Khan even said “People on the crew were not used to this level of nastiness, which was very exciting for me.”
No word on when the film will be out over here, but it sure sounds like one to keep an eye out for, if nothing else than to witness the sheer horror of the 3 foot dead!
Check out the film’s official site for a lot more info!
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