Udo’s Crying Dead Mother


The Voodoo that Udo do!Udo is everywhere. Like Sean Bean (Lord of the Rings and Equilibrium) and Christopher Walken (cow bell people!), Udo pops up everywhere in films. He was the only spark of life in Headspace, which is sad considering his scene lasted about five minutes, but now he is returning to something worth wild: Dario Argento’s Mother of Tears and Jon Keeyes’ Fall Down Dead.

Fangoria is all over Udo today. First let’s tackle Mother of Tears, the third film in to Dario Argento’s Three Mothers trilogy that also includes Supiria and Inferno. This time around a very potent witch is set loose leaving a string of suicides in her wake. When in Rome … you’re fucked. Mother of Tears is ready to shoot at the end of this month in whole tit-load of locations.

Udo’s gonna be raising some hell as the Picasso Killer in Jon Keeyes Fall Down Dead. The Picasso Killer isn’t your typical maniac. He fully intends on using his victims as part of his artwork. Gotta pay those bills somehow, right? I want a giant mural of boobies, personally. Watch the trailer right here.

Kryten Syxx

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