3D Poster Art!

Put away those silly glasses… We don’t mean literally. What we’re talkin’ about here is the poster for the upcoming Night of the Living Dead 3D.
The fine folks over at The Imp Awards scored the poster, so check it out in all of its bloody shovel wielding glory!
In this latest incarnation the incomparable Sid Haig is at the source of the zombie mayhem. You have to blame somebody, right? Judging by the poster, it’s pretty safe to say that the mad mortician is ready to deal with his newly created problem by any means necessary.
Speaking of necessary . . . Do we really need another version of Night? One thing’s for certain; there is nothing that filmmaker Jeff Broadstreet can do to damage the memory of the original Romero classic any more than John “Watch me paint a moustache on the Mona Lisa” Russo did when he created the abomination that was the abysmal 30th Anniversary Edition.
Night of the Living Dead 3D is scheduled to be theatrically released this November on about 1,500 screens, but if I see even a hint of a bucktoothed reverend or his pet named Moo Shu, somebody is going to pay. Dearly. You’ve all been warned. WARNED I TELL YOU!
*shakes fist in stern manner* Feh!
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