Underworld Strangers?

Liv Tyler in a horror movie? Thank you, Jesus, Buddha, and that bum who sold me the pictures of horses doing it. I lost track of Liv sometime after she was running around with Hobbits and Viggo so it came as a surprise to see she’s in a film like this.
According to The Hollywood Reporter Liv’s co-star in Bryan Bertino’s Strangers will be Scott Speedman (both Underworld films). Since production on this picture just started Monday and may not even hit theatres until September 2007, details are scarce. However, what we know so far is that Tyler and Speedman play a couple living in some home out in the middle of nowhere. This makes them the perfect victims of three masked intruders. Not really the deepest plot, but you never know.
We’ll bring you more as we find it.
Where’s Liv been hiding? Stalk her in our forums!