The Dread of Screamfest


Freaks, will you be in Orlando this weekend? Do you have a hankering for horror movie stars, Rocky Horror, live music, and Horror’s Hallowed Grounds? I know you do because I watch you while you sleep, and it is apparent that you want to go to Screamfest.

What is Spooky Empire’s Screamfest? I’ve taken the liberty to rip this straight from their front page to help you out:

Get ready for Florida’s Largest Horror Convention … brought to you by your groovy ghoulie friends at Spooky Empire.

It’s the 4th Annual Screamfest 2006. You thought last year was big, you haven’t seen anything yet! We thought it would be tough to top 2005, but wait and see what we have in store for 2006! Our goal is to make Screamfest not just Florida’s Largest Horror Convention, but THE Largest Horror Convention!

This year’s location is The Wyndham Resort in Orlando, FL – that’s right – Screamfest is taking over Orlando…and what better weekend than Friday the 13th! That’s October 13-15, 2006.

Sounds good so far? Yes, it does. The Wyndam Resort is located directly off I-4 just a couple of miles from Universal Studios Florida. It’s easy to get to and located smack dab in the middle of International Drive, the promised land of touristy goodness.

There’s plenty to see at the show including some classic horror faces like Ken Foree (Dawn of the Dead and The Devil’s Rejects), Rowdy Roddy Piper, Candyman Tony Todd, Tom Savini and Troma’s main man Lloyd Kaufman to name just a few from a very, very long list.

Dread Central will also be representing at the show thanks to Sean Clark and Horror’s Hallowed Grounds. Sean even has his own panel at 3:00 pm on Saturday, the 14th. I too will be there snapping pictures.

Don’t forget the bands. A total of eight bands, Killer Robots and Gargamel to name two, will be playing Friday through Saturday. There’s plenty to see, do, and … well, it is Orlando. What isn’t there to find to amuse oneself? Just stay away from that dirty, dirty mouse.

Kryten Syxx

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