Pace has an Addiction

Sarah Michelle Gellar may have wandered into another remake of an overseas film, but she won’t be alone this time. Thanks to Variety we now know that Lee Pace (Wonderfalls and Soldier’s Girl) will be co-starring next to the Buffy beauty in Addiction, which is set to start filming later this month.
According to Variety Addiction is based somewhat on the South Korean movie Jungdok. A woman loses both her husband and brother-in-law to comas. Not all is lost as the brother-in-law awakes informing his brother’s wife that he is INDEED the husband. What the balls is going on?
Personally, I think it’s a big tissue of lies just so the brother-in-law can get Buffy in the sack. Can you blame him though?
Out of body experience or just a web of sticky, sticky lies?
Tell us your thoughts in the forums!