Screamfest Trailer!


All right, I know I said this very morning that you’d not be hearing about Screamfest again for a while, but this we just had to share. Zeb De Soto, the mastermind behind the badass Dread Central promo you can see right here, was recently brought in by the folks at Screamfest to cut a trailer for them, something that will run between the numerous films they’re showing starting October 13th. Because the kid is a superstar, the final product kicks a lot of ass, and all you have to do is hit Screamfest’s official site to check it out! If we have to tell you twice, we’ll be sending those ass-kicking chicks featured in the video after you, and believe me; you don’t want to fuck with them!

Badass Screamfest trailer!

Johnny Butane

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