Freddy Live on Stage

We’ve heard of Evil Dead being performed on stage, same with Hack/Slash and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but up until yesterday I had no idea that even Freddy Krueger has his own off-Broadway show now.
Put on by a group calling themselves The Chainsaw Mafia, the adventures of Freddy on stage is called The Elm Street Murders and has been running at San Francisco’s Club 6 for a while now. We may have never heard about it if it weren’t for one of our intrepid readers who got to check it out and dropped us a line letting us know of its existence and pointing out some good stuff online for it.
The play is basically a parody of A Nightmare on Elm Street with lots of blood and screaming girls. Visit their MySpace page for a glimpse at what you’ll be in for if you get a chance to check them out. They’ve got two more shows at Club 6 in October so you’ve got a better chance of not missing it; the details are at the MySpace page. Hopefully it will catch on, and they’ll be able to take their show in the road soon cause I know I’d love to check it out.
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