Foycast XV: King of the Foycasts

Has been at least 6 months? Then it must be time for another Foycast. This Godzilla-sized edition is primarily devoted to the King of the Monsters, but we also touch on a variety of other topics to ensure this episode has more false endings than Lord of the Rings.
Being that yours truly is a life-long Godzilla fanatic and my cohort Matt Fini is still something of a newb to the Toho-verse, it makes for an interesting dichotomy when discussing the new Godzilla movie and all things Zilla in general.
We go into spoiler-filled detail talking the good and the bad of the new film as I educate him on all manner of daikaiju-related topics, everything from non-Zilla kaiju movies to Godzilla movies that were planned but never got made.
If giant monsters aren’t your thing, the latter half of the show takes aim at the looming wave of 90s nostalgia, Hollywood’s current over-reliance on brand names, why horror movies appear to be suffering at the box office of late, and a whole lot more guaranteed to drag this show out to 130 minutes.
You read that correctly – over 2+ hours of babbling Foycast nonsense. Hope you have a very long drive, workout, or dull day at work to find time for this 15th installment of one of the Internet’s most infrequent podcasts.
Click the links below to listen to what has to be the King of the Foycasts!
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