Dig on The First 10 Minutes of Stage Fright

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Dig on The First 10 Minutes of Stage FrightIf you haven’t check out Stage Fright yet, you ought to make it your business to. Need a bit more convincing? Then dig on the film’s opening 10 minutes courtesy of the cats over at Hulu.

Minnie Driver, Meat Loaf, Allie MacDonald, Douglas Smith, Kent Nolan, Brandon Uranowitz, Ephraim Ellis, Melanie Leishman, James McGowan, Steffi DiDomenicantonio, Ryan Bobkin, Leanne Miller, and Adrianna Di Liello star.

Magnet is releasing the film in its Ultra VOD program, launching it on iTunes and On Demand on April 3rd and following with a theatrical release on May 9th.

Stage Fright tells the story of a posh musical theater camp terrorized by a killer who hates musicals. Driver plays Kylie Swanson, a haunted star of the Broadway stage and mother of two siblings who find themselves at the center of the unfolding horror at the camp. Meat Loaf plays Roger McCall, a slumming Broadway producer-turned-camp director.

Stage Fright

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