Gore Trailer Works its Magic


Crispin in the Wizard of Gore remakeMan, do I love to see Crispin Glover in an impeccable white suite, up to his elbows in the inner workings of a lovely young lady. It just seems so very right to me.

Of course, not in real life, but as Montag the Magnificent in Jeremy Kastens’ upcoming remake of H. G. Lewis’ Wizard of Gore. The trailer for the film was found over at the official site for its production company, Open Sky Entertainment, and despite a really poorly done voiceover, it’s a helluva lot of fun.

Be warned: There is a lot of blood, some screaming, and some very nice shots of feminine flesh scattered throughout, so obviously it’s not work safe. Unless you have a wicked cool job of course. The aforementioned nudity, for those unaware, was provided courtesy of those luscious creatures known as the Suicide Girls. Thanks, ladies!

No word on a release for Wizard yet, but you’ll be the first to know when there is one!

Johnny Butane

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