New Mist, Sweeney Todd Trailers


New Mist, Sweeney Todd trailers!All right, one is more anticipated than the other, but it’s still cool to see new footage from both, no?

Yahoo! Movies got their grubby paws on the second trailer for Frank Darabont’s The Mist, due out November 21st, though honestly there’s really not a whole lot different in here than in the first trailer, save for the beginning. But damnit, it’s The Mist, finally, so you know you have to see it.

Then if you head over to Cinema Blend you can see the second trailer for Sweeney Todd, the upcoming horror musical from Tim Burton due out on December 21st. It’ll be interesting to see how this one does so close to Christmas since it’s pretty much the antethisis of what is usually out for the holiday season. Hopefully blood and showtunes will make for a good gift, though!

Johnny Butane

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