Von Trier Takes on Antichrist

Oh, now this should get some people spitting cereal first thing in the morning. If only I had more proof that crazy religious groups checked out the site on a regular basis, I could be sure there would many more breakfast-related accidents…
Lars Von Trier, best known to fans as the creator of the Danish epic The Kingdom (later remade from the pen of Stephen King as Kingdom Hospital) as well as many other groundbreaking and controversial films, has announced that his next movie will be a horror film called, simply, Antichrist.
Production Weekly got the word on it but very few details; indeed, all that’s known is that it deals with the theory that Satan, not God, created the world. Imagine the backlash that will be thrown at this if the wrong religious group catches wind of it… The only other info on it as of now is that it will shoot next summer, but we’ll be digging for more so stick around!
Explain why it was you, not God or Satan, who created the world in our forums!