The Intense Netflix Thriller With a Rotten Tomatoes Score of 91% You Need to Watch

Choosing a movie can be a nightmare. There are bountiful choices available across a multitude of streaming platforms, making it difficult to sort through the filler and find something killer. But fear not, dear reader. We understand your concern and have come to the table with a recommendation that is sure to appeal to our base. I’m talking about John Hyams’ 2020 horror thriller Alone.
This flick really impressed me; it had me on the edge of my seat. I previously spoke to the merits of Alone in my weekly column. Here is an excerpt from my write-up:
Alone delivers high levels of suspense from the onset. It benefits from the inclusion of a sadistic villain, a resilient lead, and a barrage of nonstop action sequences that unfold at a breakneck pace. The feature begins as a road horror movie, segues into captivity horror during the second act, and ultimately concludes as a wilderness survival horror picture. With each act dealing with a slightly different subgenre, the film could easily have come across as clunky. But Hyams brings cohesion to the collective whole by imbuing each of the three acts with a similar frenetic energy.
If my rave recommendation isn’t enough to convince you to watch Alone, perhaps the picture’s status as ‘certified fresh’ on Rotten Tomatoes with a score of 91% will sway you. If the flick sounds like your cup of tea, head over to Netflix and give it a whirl.
The film follows Jessica (Jules Willcox) as she packs up her belongings following the untimely death of her husband. Along her journey, she is nearly run off the road by a discourteous motorist (Marc Menchaca). After that encounter, the driver continues to pursue Jessica, eventually abducting her and holding her captive. Much to the chagrin of her captor, Jules proves to be resourceful and completely unwilling to sit back and play the role of hapless victim.

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