Exclusive: Director Josh Vargas Talks Summer of Saw

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Director Josh Vargas Talks Summer of SawWe told you about the new docudrama that’s based upon one of the most infamous films of all time, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a couple of days ago; and now director Josh Vargas has shed some light on what to expect from Summer of Saw.

“The movie that we’re doing with Marilyn [Burns] about the making of Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a feature film, not a documentary,” says Vargas. “There are more than a handful of good TCM docs out there, including one that I know is on the way. There would be no point in us doing one too. Rather, we feel that the best way to really bring the audience into that story is with a feature film. This is something that Marilyn, Parrish, Jason, and myself have been working on for about six months but wasn’t something we felt we should talk about until all of our ducks were in a row, financing was obtained, and we could say FOR CERTAIN that this movie was going to happen. We can honestly make all of those claims now.”

Vargas continues, “What we have planned is Texas Chain Saw Massacre in a way that has never been seen. The chaos that was the set of that movie is probably as intense as the movie itself. Anything from cast members accidentally ingesting marijuana, piles of dead cats being burned on set, to people accidentally shooting themselves up with formaldehyde while trying to embalm dead animals on set… and despite all of that and much more, these people made film history. That’s like the scrawny kid in class knocking out Mike Tyson. We wanna make something that people who hate horror movies can watch and, at the end of the day, have respect for the cast and crew for wrangling that rabid hellbeast of a film into the can.”

Summer of Saw is being produced by TCM‘s own Sally Hardesty – Marilyn Burns, Jason Poh, Joshua Allan Vargas, and Parrish Randall. Vargas is writing and directing. Shooting is set for August in Groesbeck, Texas.

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