Daywalker Moves on to Gallows


Wesley Snipes to star in Gallowwalkers... bling not includedWondering just what the hell Wesley Snipes is up to now that he’s permanently given up being the Daywalker? Or are you like me and really don’t give a damn? Either way, Production Weekly found out.

Snipes is set to star in Andrew Goth’s Gallowwalker, his follow-up to Cold and Dark. Snipes will play Kaos, a mysterious gunman whose nun mother breaks her faith with God in order to make sure that her son stays alive. Not a bad plan; the only drawback is that now anyone who dies by Kaos’ gun returns to life for revenge.

I have to admit it’s an odd and interesting premise, but I wonder in the end how much will be horror and how much will just be masturbatory gun action. I’m hoping for at least a 50/50 split. Gallowwalker is set to roll in Namibia, South Africa next month.

Johnny Butane

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