Radar Finds Blair Witch Co-Director Under the Bed

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The Hollywood Reporter

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Radar Finds Blair Witch Co-Director Under the BedNot to be confused with the Steven C. Miller film of the same name, the first news of Daniel Myrick’s (The Blair Witch Project) latest endeavor into evil, Under the Bed, has arrived; and we have the skinny right here.

According to THR, Radar Pictures has picked up the creepy indie thriller from the Blair Witch co-director, which is purportedly inspired by true events in which a stalker took up residence underneath the bed of his female target, subtly manipulating her life until ultimately revealing his presence.

Myrick wrote the script and will direct. Ted Field and Mike Weber will produce with Sean Papazian. Tom Van Dell, Eustace Hicks and Aldo LaPietra are exec producing. Radar will employ the same method of financing it used for its hit from earlier this year, Spring Breakers, and represent the flm’s domestic rights on behalf of the financiers. The company last made the Vin Diesel sci-fi action movie Riddick.

Radar and Myrick are planning to move quickly and will begin casting immediately. Sources say Radar is also in talks with domestic partners.

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