Cemetery’s Books on King

The folks over at Cemetery Dance Publications have never had any shortage of good stuff to offer the discerning horror fan, but their output as of late has just gotten ridiculous. Seriously, the amount of quality horror books they have on the way is amazing, and today they’ve announced not one or two, but three brand new books about the author some horror fans love to hate (and who Corey thinks hates us), Stephen King.
Stephen King: The Non-Fiction, Stephen King: A Primary Bibliography of the World’s Most Popular Author (review coming soon), and Stephen King’s Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance are all going to the printers within the next few weeks and will be out by the end of the year. Talk about having the perfect Christmas gift for that King fan on your list!
CD’s website is offering all sorts of freebies for those who pre-order the books now, so get your virtual ass over there and start ordering. They’re also in the middle of their biggest raffle ever with so many prizes that it would be ludicrous to mention them all here, so be sure you look for info on that as well!
Wonder how long until there’s more written about the man than by him in our forums!