Countless Forgotten 2000s Horror Movies Are Now Free-To-Stream All In One Place
If you’re a wee-old millennial like myself, you’re likely longing for the days of early aughts horror. There was just something about those fluffy, digital slices of horror that just hit. Nothing could match the Friday night trek to the video store to rent whatever horror movie had the coolest cover for the weekend.
Remember Shredder? I remember Shredder, and I loved it. Early aughts horror fans are in for a treat. Since the internet has recently discovered Tubi, it has an entire section dedicated to 2000s horror. I’m buzzing just thinking about it. And I’m not alone:
Yes, Tubi has smartly curated an entire archive of early 2000s horror you can watch right now. They’re not all winners (I’m particularly disappointed that both Jeepers Creepers and Jeepers Creepers 2 feature prominently on the landing page), though there’s plenty there for genre fans new and old alike. Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid? I love that movie. And it’s there, free to stream on Tubi. What about Python, probably my most-rented movie growing up? It’s there too!
If giant snakes aren’t your jam, the offerings are diverse enough that you will undoubtedly find something that works. Cult classic The Poughkeepsie Tapes is streaming, as is Triangle, one of the stronger time-loop horror movies of the century. There’s also Tamara, a very important movie to me, and The Midnight Meat Train for anyone interested in seeing a pre-Academy Bradley Cooper get menaced by a maniac on the subway. Wind Chill is also streaming. I love Wind Chill (I promise I didn’t curate this collection).
There’s simply too much to list, though rest assured, it’s as dazzling a collection as any. With a slow horror rollout to start the year, sort of the horror equivalent of Dry January, why not travel back to some of the classics that got the century off to such a remarkable start?
What do you think? What’s your favorite early 2000s horror movie? What other gems should I check out on Tubi? Let me know over on Twitter @Chadiscollins.