Gender Switching for Wan’s Sentence


Some more casting news came down the line today for James Wan’s second studio pic, the adaptation of Brian Garfield’s novel Death Sentence. Kevin Bacon is set to star in the film as a father who goes on a vigilante killing spree to enact revenge on the gang who hurt his family during a heinous initiation ceremony.

The character of a homicide detective who helps out Bacon’s character, who was a 50-year-old man in Garfield’s book, has been filled by 36-year-old actress Aisha Tyler (pictured, “24”, “CSI”) according to The Hollywood Reporter. How’s that for some creative casting? I’m sure the suits in charge had some brilliant reason for putting in a pretty girl instead of a haggard guy, and I’m guessing a new love story subplot may have something to do with it.

Garfield, in case you’ve forgotten, was the author of the novel Death Wish, which was eventually made into the film that made Charlie Bronson a star for about 20 minutes or so before it was sequelized to death. We’re still waiting to hear some kind of release info for Wan’s follow-up to Saw, the creepy ventriloquist thriller Dead Silence (review); right now it’s looking like there’s a good chance we might end up seeing his third movie before his second…

Johnny Butane

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