Hollywood Drooling over New Script Extant

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The Wrap

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Hollywood Drooling over New Script ExtantSo what exactly is Extant? Well the traditional definition is “existing” or “still in existence.” For writer Mickey Fisher it also means his chance to deliver a TV pilot. Hollywood however is thinking big screen franchise.

According to The Wrap Fisher, an unknown and unsigned writer until recently, has film studios drooling over his script Extant for weeks. There’s just one twist: it’s not a film script. Fisher wrote “Extant” as a TV pilot. It’s a one-hour sci-fi vehicle about John and Molly Watts and their son, a human-like robot named Ethan. Molly, the space-traveling wife, is also pregnant with a baby that is part human and part alien. The family intrigue deepens in subsequent episodes.

Though just 56 pages, the script introduces several plotlines and interconnected characters that would be difficult to resolve in a single film. The script is written in five acts and takes place on earth and in a space station. Amblin TV, which produced “ER” and “The Americans,” is developing and packaging it. It remains unclear if Spielberg will take a credit, though his involvement would make it even more attractive to networks.

Not sure how Dread worthy this will be, if at all, but we’ll keep an eye on things for ya!

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