The Seen and The Unseen: Ever Wanted to Date Sheepsquatch? Now You Can!

Have you ever been at a parafest or an indie horror film festival and thought, “Gosh, who is that hottie dressed like Bigfoot? I wish I could get their number, but I’m way too shy.”
Never fear, paranormal friends. The fine folks at Spookydate have you covered. You can wine, dine and make Sasquatch thine through their new online dating site for the paranormal community.
How does it work? A little bit from the press release:
If you like hunting for ghosts or exploring old graveyards, but you’re tired of doing it by yourself, then Spookydate may be the place for you. It’s a dating site for people into everything from Jack the Ripper to zombies. Spookydate’s members’ idea of a romantic evening isn’t dinner and a movie, unless it’s a horror movie.
Even more, you can choose your date according to various categories. Again, from the press release:
Spookydate members can browse any of eight different categories – Zombies, Vampires, Horror Movies, The Paranormal, Unexplained Mysteries, UFOS, Monsters, and Urban Exploration – in search of their perfect match.
Of course, all the people online will only be “single” (cough, yeah right, cough). Just beware if Sheepsquatch only wants you to text him at certain times. He’s kind of a player. Just sayin’.
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