Trick Treats Vancouver


Still from Season's Greetings (click to see it bigger!)Some more info has come down the wire about Mike Dougherty’s first directorial effort, Trick r’ Treat, which we first told you about here.

Production Weekly confirms that the X2 and Superman Returns co-writer will be getting behind the camera for the film, with shooting set to start as early as November up in Vancouver. No mention was made of Bryan Singer producing, but it only makes sense when you consider their history.

Trick r’ Treat, which Dougherty also wrote, will reportedly interweave four tales of malevolence and chaos that’s been described by some as similar to Pulp Fiction on Halloween night. Oh, that makes me all warm inside to think about. Mike’s previous directorial work consisted of a short animated film called “Season’s Greetings” (a still from which is to your right), which deals with the traumatic theft of a candy back on Halloween night. You can check out the entire film over on the screenwriter’s official site, which is here. No word if that will be included in Trick or not, but we’ll let you know more very soon!

Johnny Butane

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Hope the film will be more Treat than Trick in our forums!



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