‘Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror’ Want Your Horror Story Submissions

Bury Your Gays

Ghoulish Books is now accepting submissions for a new anthology edited by Sofia Ajram entitled Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Queer Tragic Horror. We’re excited to not only debut the cover art, but we’re also excited to share the full call to submissions for the upcoming anthology!

Get an exclusive look at the upcoming anthology’s cover, with the collage design by Gianfranco Briceño and text design by Ajram:

Check out the full submission guidelines below.

What we want

We’re looking for tales that explore queer tragic horror, and any other interpretation of the title theme. Show us what tragic queer love means to you. Horror is a genre with serrated edges—so make your characters bleed. 

We love queer stories of love but intermingle them with tragedy and horror. Give us characters who are angsty and complex, depraved and lecherous, and take us through their ecstasy of heartbreak and suffering. We want hauntings! Possessions! Lovers doomed to be separated for eternity! Mad scientists reviving their beloved wrong! Gays in hell! Sad Bly Manor gays! Don’t like the bury your gays trope? Curse ‘em with immortality and the indefinite madness that comes with it instead!

Most of all, we are looking for compelling characters in stories that stick the landing. Their fates should ideally resonate with their emotional arc. We want feverish intensity, dread, and heartache. When asked, “yo, u good?” after reading your story, the answer should be “no”. 

This anthology is only open to queer writers. Those questioning whether or not they identify as queer are also encouraged to submit. We are particularly interested in work from underrepresented voices.

Note that some writers have been invited to contribute. The anthology will consist of a mix of solicited and selected stories from the open-call submission period.

Length: 1k-6k words (ideal 2k-4k)

Payment: $0.07 cents USD per word, plus one physical contributor’s copy

Publication: E-book and print

Multiple Submissions: No

Simultaneous Submissions: Yes (Please notify us if accepted elsewhere)

Reprints: No

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Expected publication: April 2024, to launch at the Ghoulish Book Festival in San Antonio

Manuscript Formats

  • Please submit your complete, finished manuscript in attached (.doc, or .docx) format to: tragicqueerhorror (at) gmail (dot) com. Please use Shunn proper manuscript format. If you’re not sure what that means, click here. All inquiries can also be directed to that same address.
  • Format your email subject line as: [STORY TITLE]_[LAST NAME]_[WORD COUNT] 
  • In the email itself, please include a short cover note including word count, a bio, and your preferred name. 


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