Saw Thru the UK

My father thought it was a grand idea to hang my Charlie McCarthy doll by his mouth string right next to my bed when I was a tot. This would cause his face to be positioned into a permanent yell I’d wake up to every morning … Thanks, pop. I wonder if I should hang Jigsaw’s puppet in my child’s room.
The little suit-wearing dummy has returned, but the fate of his master is uncertain. Jigsaw may be dying, but Bloody Disgusting is keeping the veins pumping with some new goodies from Lionsgate’s Saw III. The poster to the right is what moviegoers in the UK will be seeing. While this news may not be all that special since the quad poster is basically the same as ones we’ve already seen, there are a few other treats in store.
Lionsgate has also provided links to a trailer that is now being shown in theatres. You can catch it if you go see Crank, but if not, then get your hands on it below, or you could just wait till October 27th to see it in theatres. Torture, isn’t it?
Been tortured by some madman with a puppet? Tell us all about it in our forums!