John Carpenter Talks Adapting and Directing a Dead Space Film

Game Informer via
Now here are two things that could go together as well as peanut butter and jelly: John Carpenter and Dead Space. Check out what the Master of Horror had to say about potentially helming an adaptation of the popular video game series.
“You know it’s great,” Carpenter told Game Informer in relation to the Dead Space franchise. “The first game was more – I guess it was like Alien – but not quite. It was a little different than that. I maintain that Dead Space would just make a great movie because you have these people coming onto an abandoned, shut-down spaceship, and they have to start it up and something’s on board. It’s just great stuff. I would love to make Dead Space [into a film], I’ll tell you that right now. That one is ready-made.”
Carpenter also chimed in with his $.02 about the Aliens: Colonial Marines fiasco. “It’s all about money,” he said. “It’s not that something is being mistreated, it’s just another marketing issue.” Admitting he was suckered into buying the game, he added, “They’re trying to get you to buy the game, which I stupidly did.”
Dead Space Synopsis:
Dead Space is a third-person survival horror action video game developed by EA Redwood Shores (now known as Visceral Games) for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. It was released on October 14, 2008, on the consoles and October 20 for Windows. The player takes on the role of an engineer named Isaac Clarke, who battles the polymorphic undead species called the “Necromorphs” on board a stricken interstellar mining ship named The USG Ishimura.
Hopefully we’ll have more to report soon!

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