The Horror Wrestling Federation Presents – Original Michael vs. Ghostface

Scared Stiff TV
Here we are again. Hump day. How about we let out a little of that pent-up aggression by revisiting the hallowed halls of the HWF (Horror Wrestling Federation) and check out a grudge match that’s been brewing for decades… Michael Myers vs. Ghostface!
Given both killers have a penchant for eviscerating young nubile teenagers (and anyone else who gets in the way), it’s gonna be interesting to see who will take the Terrorizing Teenagers Title belt! Note I just made that shit up, and if it’s not already a belt, damn it, it should be!
Check out the video below, and click here for more legendary horror match-ups including Mrs. Bates vs. Leatherface, Original Michael vs. Remake Michael, and Michael vs. Jason!
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