This TikTok User Was Terrorized By Ghosts And The Internet Is Freaking Out [Video]

Earlier this week, a friend sent me a TikTok, knowing how much I love spooky TikTok. The video, set to cheerful music, posted by user @ogashleystate is a compilation of things flying off counters, sinks turning on by themselves, and more. And, to add even more intrigue, a caption says “It’s been one whole year since we fully moved out, still can’t believe it. Playlist of security cams is now up on my profile, under Haunting at LC Middletown.” The Haunting of LC Middleton? A whole playlist? I had to dive in.
And dear reader, I was taken on a journey. This playlist of 75(!!!) videos documents a haunting from start to finish, meaning from when she and her husband moved in until they moved out. At first, it starts with knocking sounds and her dogs barking at seemingly nothing.
The First TikTok
Ths first video (of both the activity and her profile), posted on July 21, 2020, also supposedly captured a shadow person, which is just what it sounds like: a shadowy presence with a human form but no details. She quickly set up a camera in the living room to capture any activity at night.
But then, the evidence starts to pile up thanks to the camera setup. A two-camera setup captured two angles of her purse flying off the counter to prove it wasn’t fabricated. She films herself coming downstairs to see all her cabinets wide open. It’s all typical haunting stuff, but happening very consistently.
Over the next month, she continues to share videos of whispers and cabinets opening. Then doors start to open in broad daylight. Loud sounds come out of nowhere. The activity seems to be slowly escalating.
A Haunted History
Then, she hears from a previous staff member that worked in their community that the complex has a haunted history. Different parts of the community are more haunted than others and a few people had died on the property.
The activity continues and she begins to do live streams where she tried to contact the spirit, which is always ill-advised. Then, in January 2021, she catches the creepiest video to date: a clip of something watching her through their backdoor. The footage is, of course, extremely blurry and the figure is hard to discern. But if you’re absorbed in the story, it’s definitely horrifying.
After six months of activity and losing sleep, she, her husband, and their new baby move into a new house. She conveys her relief, though packing to leave didn’t stop the entity from playing some last-minute jokes, moving office supplies around the office.
A Happy Ending
A year later, she’s no longer living there but the story hasn’t ended. A new tenant of the community reached out to her after watching her TikToks. They’re struggling with a haunting, complete with open cabinets and loud stomping. She offered some advice to the tenant, including cleansing the apartment on a weekly basis.
The whole saga feels like a found footage movie, albeit with a happy ending. And it doesn’t seem like anything followed them to their new house. Now, ogashleystate posts videos of her baby, cats, and daily life. Whatever happened in her apartment, these videos send chills down my spine, especially watching in the dark at 1 AM.
What do you think of these videos? Do you have any creepy TikToks you think I need to see and cover? Find me on Twitter @mbmcandrews!