Black Sheep Footage Online


Black Sheep (click to see it bigger!)The New Zealand film Black Sheep finally debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival last night, and already there is footage online from the film and its premiere.

Nothing really makes a movie premiere for a movie about evil sheep than some real (non-evil) sheep showing up for the event. The creators of Black Sheep know and understand this, which is why they made their way down the red carpet with a few of the furry beasts in tow. Good form, gents!

A New Zealand news segment covered the event and showed a whole bunch of footage from the movie, specifically the scene with a man being attacked by a very hungry baby sheep that we showed you a picture from the other day. Head on over to Black Magic to check out the footage, and then hit Twitch Film for one of the first reviews of Black Sheep!

Johnny Butane

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