In ‘Nocturna’, There Are Things MUCH Worse Than Death [Exclusive Trailer]

The older you get, the more you reflect on your past. Did you make the right decisions? Did you do right by your loved ones? Argentine writer-director Gonzalo Calzada’s (Resurrection, Lucifernia) grapples with these questions in his double bill Nocturna: Side A – The Great Old Man’s Night and Nocturna: Side B – Where the Elephants Go to Die.
Nocturna: Side A – The Great Old Man’s Night follows a nearly 100-year-old man who, on his final night on earth, fights for redemption from his life’s misdeeds. In Nocturna: Side B – Where Elephants Go to Die, Calzada embarks on an aesthetically opposite experimental twist of the same story.
Watch the trailers for both films below:
Nocturna: Side A garnered the Best Actor and Best Actress awards at Brazil’s Fantaspoa 2021. The film also screened at FrightFest Film Festival and the midnight section of the 24th Shanghai Film Festival. It screened in competition for Best Ibero-American feature at the 20th Macabro Film Festival where it won Best Feature. The film premiered at Screamfest Film Festival 2021 and won multiple awards, including Best Film.
Nocturna is headlined by Argentine actor and playwright Pepe Soriano, a 50-year industry veteran, and award-winning performer. Marilu Marini, a star of French genre films from the ’70s and ’80s, plays opposite Soriano. She recently was in 2017’s Los Que Aman Odian and Argentina’s 2020 Oscar submission The Sleepwalkers.

Nocturna: Side A and Nocturna: Side B come to digital, VOD, and DVD on January 18, 2022.