New Midnight Train Director Sought


Clive at last year's Festival of FearThe gravediggers over at Fangoria have learned some rather distressing news concerning the long hoped for adaptation of Clive Barker’s cannibalistic short story “The Midnight Meat Train”.

Since the project was originally announced, Underworld effects maestro Patrick Tatopoulos has been attached to make his directorial debut with the film, which you may recall was recently re-titled simply Midnight Train. Schedule conflicts have forced Tatopoulos out of the director’s seat unfortunately, and now Barker’s Midnight Picture Show is on the prowl for a new helmer.

I guess it’s just par for the course when it comes to Barker adaptations, most of which either never see the light of day (Weaveworld, anyone?) or suck when they finally do (I dare you to watch Saint Sinner again). I wish Barker had the free time to direct again himself, but between finishing up work on three books, painting, and numerous other creative activities, it’s doubtful we’ll see that happen.

So we hope for the best and that the projected production start date for Midnight Train, sometime next month, will still be do-able. Stay tuned for more!

Johnny Butane

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