Bloody Cuts Releases its Newest Nightmare – Death Scenes

The British horror anthology Bloody Cuts has wowed us with the first six short films of the project, which have been released over the past two years. This week they unveiled the seventh chapter of their nightmarish collection: Death Scenes. See it right here, right now.
Death Scenes was written and directed by Joel Morgan and stars Robin Berry and Ayden Callaghan, with Charlie Bond, Paul Jibson and Carol Storey. It’s another high-quality Bloody Cuts slice that gives you the twist at the end that we’ve come to love from these shorts. Check it out!
For more visit the official Bloody Cuts website, “like” Bloody Cuts on Facebook and follow Bloody Cuts on Twitter (@bloodycutsfilms).
D.I. Collins has a suspected serial killer in custody. But there may be more to his crimes than the detective imagines. Death Scenes is the seventh slice in Bloody Cuts’ anthology of short horror films made by a young team of UK filmmakers on low budgets.

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