Aussie Demons Among Us


There are Demons Among Us (click to see it bigger)!Just got a heads up about an ambitious looking new indie horror from the land down under called The Demonsamongus (it’s actually Demons Among Us, but for some reason they have it spelled out as one word).

The film tells of a man named Joe who moves into the quiet town of Miranda Falls in order to escape hectic city life, only to find that the seemingly tranquil town is actually infested with demons. Accused of murder and with demons hot on his heels, Joe has to enlist the help of the only other person who witnessed the truth, a girl named Kylie, and try and get out alive.

Meanwhile, a psychotic ad exec from the U.S. is drawn to the town by the devil himself, who tries to convince the man to allow him to be the host for his world domination. Would demonic planet conquering really be that far of a stretch for someone in advertising? I think not.

Click here to check out The Demonsamongus‘ sticky trailer and here for the flick’s official home on the web.

Johnny Butane

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