Bill Murray Now Says He Was Tricked Into GHOSTBUSTERS II

Ghostbusters star Bill Murray admits he was “very reluctant” to do Ghostbusters II. We all know this. However, it seems that the powers that be behind the scenes only managed to get Murray in the sequel “under false pretenses.”
Murray says: “They got us all together, and they pitched some sort of a story idea that was really great, and I thought, “Holy cow, we could make that work!” It ended up not being the story that they wrote, but they got us to do the sequel under false pretenses. Harold had this great idea, but by the time we got to shooting it, I was someplace else. I showed up on set, and went “What the hell is this?“
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Murray continued: “The only reason anyone would want to do another one would be just to make money, you know. They got us all back together in a room, and really we hadn’t been together since the movie came out. It was just really, really fun to be together. We were really funny together. Like those are some really wonderful, really funny guys and girls; Sigourney, Annie Potts. Spectacular women and funny as hell.
So which does Murray prefer Ghostbusters or Ghostbusters II? I’ll give you one guess…
Bill Murray says: “I probably like the first one better than the second one. The first cuts the deepest, you know. We were in New York. It was all New York. We really made a mess of New York for a couple of months and had a lot of fun in New York.”
I think Bill Murray really likes New York.

Do you also dig Ghostbusters II or am I the only one?
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