Where to Find Evil Aliens

Image Entertainment has set up a special site for Jake West’s follow-up to Razor Blade Smile, the splatter horror invasion film Evil Aliens (review). Though they’re not putting it out on DVD until March of 2007, the film is getting a midnight theatrical run that kicks off on Friday, September 8th in NYC and Rhode Island (!?!).
The site has a full list of when and where the film will be showing during its art house run, so be sure to check it out and make plans to see it. And don’t go seeing it by yourself either; Evil Aliens is a film that virtually requires a large, preferebly drunken, audience to fully enjoy it.
More dates and places will be added to the site in the coming weeks, so be sure to keep your eyeballs on it for updates. And if you’re part of a college orginization that wants to get Evil Aliens in your town, look for details on the site as to how to do that as well!
Wonder just how evil they are in our forums!