Darkstalkers Making a Return Next Year

Capcom has announced Darkstalkers Resurrection, which includes two titles: Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge and Darkstalkers 3. The video game will be available in 2013 for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
From the Press Release
Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, announced that the fan-favorite Darkstalkers franchise is back and ready to take the fight to current gen consoles. Featuring a unique and colorful cast of characters, blended with fast-paced fighting action, Darkstalkers Resurrection contains two games, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge and Darkstalkers 3, that will be available to download in early 2013 for $14.99 on PlayStation Network and 1200 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
The two-for-one priced combo breathes new life into each game with a slew of features including robust GGPO-enabled online game play, HD graphical filtering with multiple viewing options, replay sharing, Spectator Mode, in-game achievements, Challenge/Tutorial Mode and an un-lockable vault filled with concept artwork, videos and more.
Players who want to face-off against their friends online are able to with GGPO-enabled online game play that helps create a virtually lag-free fighting game experience. Building upon the online system previously introduced in Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition and Marvel vs. Capcom® Origins, online game play now includes upgraded matchmaking with additional options such as region matching, ping lock and ping display.
While taking a break from competition, players have replay sharing and Challenge Mode at their disposal to help them hone their fighting game skills. Replays can be uploaded to the game’s match server or directly to YouTube. The Challenge/Tutorial Mode contains trials to help players deepen their knowledge of the characters and their specific strategies. For those that prefer to learn from watching other people play, Spectator Mode and “Watch With Friends” allows players to watch games either live online or saved from previous matches. Players can discuss both live and saved games in real time.
You can visit the official Capcom Unity website to learn more about the game.

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