The Walking Dead Unleashes New Screenshots, Videos and Release Dates

Telltale Games has announced that the next episode of The Walking Dead will be available this week. Around Every Corner is set to release for PS3, Xbox 360, iOS and PC/MAC. Read on to check out new screenshots and videos to prepare you for the doom ahead!
From the Press Release
Today we would like to share some exciting new content and information about The Walking Dead: Episode Four – Around Every Corner. First, don’t miss our latest episode of ‘Playing Dead,’ where we sit down with Episode Three Director Eric Parsons and Designer Harrison Pink to hear why exactly there was so much death in the ‘Long Road Ahead.’ Watch out for actual reactions from the YouTube community playing the game, and stay until the very end for one of our favorite reactions thus far. Look for all that and more, including details about the less-discovered ‘Duckpocalypse,’ as it’s so affectionately called by the team.
In addition to the latest ‘Playing Dead’ video, we would also like to share some brand new screenshots and key artwork for the Gary Whitta-penned Episode Four – Around Every Corner.
The Walking Dead: Episode Four – Around Every Corner will release Tuesday, October 9th on PlayStation Network in North America for $4.99 or as part of the Season Pass option for $19.99 which includes all five episodes. The episode will also be available on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday, October 10th for 400 MS Points as DLC within the original The Walking Dead XBLA release, and also on PC/MAC as part of a Season Pass on the Telltale Games Store, as well as through our partners on Steam, Origin, Amazon PC Downloads, GameStop, and GameFly. European and international release dates for PlayStation Network are still to be confirmed. The title is in submission with our international partners at SCEE, and as soon as Telltale Games receives a release confirmation, a date will be announced.
We thank you for travelling along with us all the way from Macon and into the deadly streets of Savannah with this final episode of the season before the finale in ‘Episode Five: No Time Left.’
You can visit the official The Walking Dead website to learn more about the game.

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