Barry Sonnenfeld to Lay Down the Lore with Dwayne The Rock Johson

When it comes to mythological creatures who better to shine up a weapon really nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and shove it straight up their candy asses other than The Rock? That’s just what’s on the way should director Barry Sonnenfeld jump on board!
According to Deadline, Sonnenfeld is in talks to direct Dwayne Johnson in Lore, a film based on an Ashley Wood IDW graphic novel about a secret order that defends the world against creatures thought to be mythological, but which actually exist. It becomes another big movie for Warner Bros. The film is being produced by Mad Chance’s Andrew Lazar is producing with Circle Of Confusion’s David Alpert and Rick Jacobs.
An action-adventure franchise in the vein of Men in Black, this one focused on mythological creatures. “The story focuses on a young man who reluctantly becomes a member of an elite secret order charged with protecting humanity from the beasts of folklore who invade our world.”
More as it comes.
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