Director Falls Off of Lengendary’s Great Wall

Some cracks are starting to appear on Legendary Films’ The Great Wall, one of which was large enough to gobble up the proposed director. So now the question beckons… where do they go from here to get this sucker built?
According to Deadline director Ed Zwick is now off the epic-sized film meant to be the first major film to kick off Legendary East that got postponed earlier this year, partly because of weather and partly because funding was still coming together. Even though Zwick is out, the film is expected to happen next year. Legendary Pictures set Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter star Benjamin Walker to join Man of Steel‘s Henry Cavill, and Zhang Ziyi and other Chinese talent were also being courted for the film when the decision was made to postpone.
Set in 15th century China, Great Wall is about British warriors who happen upon the hurried construction of the massive wall. As night falls, the warriors realize that the haste in building the wall isn’t just to keep out the Mongols — there is something inhuman and more dangerous. The picture is based on an idea by Legendary CEO Thomas Tull and Max Brooks.
More as it comes.

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