New UK Quad Poster for The Shining Documentary Room 237

Empire Online
Our friends over at Empire Online just scored themselves a look at the UK quad one-sheet for Rodney Ascher’s experimental documentary about Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining called Room 237, and we have it for you here!
IFC Films has picked up Room 237 and will roll it out later this year via a theatrical/day and date VOD release. The flick is also playing as part of this year’s Fantastic Fest, currently under way in Austin, Texas.

A subjective documentary that explores the numerous theories about the hidden meanings within Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining (1980). The film may be over 30 years old, but it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice-over, film clips, animation, and dramatic reenactments. Together they’ll draw the audience into a new maze, one with endless detours and dead ends, many ways in, but no way out.
For more visit the official Room 237 website, and follow Room 237 on Twitter.

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