Tryst Now Available For PC

BlueGiant Interactive’s Tryst is now available for PC. In this RTS game, players must battle it out on the desolate planet of Ishtonia IV, where only one race will reap the planet’s rewards.
Two races have landed on the mineral rich planet of Ishtonia IV, each of them desperate to exploit its immense wealth. After years of peaceful coexistence and even cooperation, the Humans and the machine-like Zali have come to understand that this world may not be big enough for the both of them.
In the first video of gameplay from the release version of “Tryst”, you will see Blue Giant Interactive’s spin on the traditional basebuilding real-time strategy game. With two very different factions and a unique Path system to direct the evolution and improvement of your side, “Trsyt” takes you to a new world with unique art, some novel ideas on unit management and two races with wildly different gameplay option. “Tryst” released today, September 14, 2012.
You can visit the official Tryst website to learn more about the game.
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